
Responsiveness vs Reactivity

Human interactions are a series of “send and reply” messages similar to an exchange of emails. Unlike emails though, in face-to-face interactions one “messages” the other using a mixture of words, tone, voice volume, pace, facial expressions, and body gestures—sifted through various personal perception filters accumulated throughout their lifetime—forming a complex array of output sent to the receiver. The receiver absorbs, digests, and interprets the messages as input, forms conclusions, and then replies to the message—either verbally, non-verbally, or both—sifting their reciprocation through their own, independently constructed, personal perception filters. It is these “send and reply” messages that we define as either responsive or reactive.

Too many marriages end in divorce. And far too many marriages have daily conflict with unmet marital expectations. If you find yourself irritated and frustrated by behaviors and characteristics you once found attractive in your mate, then The Welch Therapy Institute can help. Supported by sound biblical principles and scientifically verified practices, Dr. Welch and his team will teach you how to get out of the vicious reactive cycle and into a constantly positive marriage.

Find your path out of reactivity and radically change the way you describe your marriage.

Marriage Continuum of Services


  • "I have always been interested in learning to understand myself better and acquire knowledge on how I can become a better friend, coworker and family member. Many years ago, I prayed God would remove the wounds of my childhood and asked Him to rebuild me into the person He created me to be had I not experienced the traumas and abandonments. When I took the Welch Responsive Temperament Assessment, I stopped to thank God for answering my prayer. I can see I have become a more balanced person, able to respond to others rather than react to everybody around me. As I journey through the Responsive Relationship Handbook, I've learned how to give myself and others a choice to build better core feelings of trust. I look forward to sharing what I've learned from my WRTA assessment and working with WTI materials with those in my oikos so they can learn to live their best lives as well."

    - Verified Client